Monday, May 23, 2011

Harold Camping comes out of hiding

Harold was back on his live call-in talk show Monday night, with news reporters in the room with him.

So how did he handle the failure?
  • He was bewildered and perplexed at first.
  • He says that his dates are still right.
  • What happened on May 21? Judgment of the world did begin. It just began "spiritually," not physically.
  • October 21 is still slated as the date of the end of the world, but it will come quickly, not gradually.
  • He expresses no regret or sorrow about the folks who have sold all they owned and emptied bank accounts and retirement funds to help spread the word. "We have never told people what to do with their money."
I think my predictions were pretty accurate. He has always been very convinced of his dates, in spite of no tangible evidence for the things that have already supposedly happened (like the Holy Spirit leaving the churches in 1994, which are now ruled by Satan). 

Therefor, I had predicted that he would not back down on the dates, and would claim that something did happen, just in some intangible way that can not be verified. 

There are several things I would say about Mr. Camping's character that would be good to keep in mind going forward.
  1. His biblical understanding trumps all other claims to truth. If external reality doesn't corroborate with what he thinks the Bible says, it just doesn't seem to matter to him.
  2. When he's convinced of something he gets quite dogmatic. No evidence or argument can dissuade him. His mind is made up.
  3. He has very little sensitivity to how his teachings affect people. He takes no responsibility for it. "I just teach what the Bible says." 
  4. He is married to the myriad of dates he has calculated. They are just to elegantly interconnected for him to give them up. It's the culmination of decades of tedious study.
Therefor, I predict that he will continue to teach full steam ahead on his radio program that October 21st is the end of the world, and will be just as emphatic and dogmatic as ever.

I also predict that after October 21 he will claim that it was a "spiritual" end of the world. He will not recant on his dates. A church movement of some kind will develop in the aftermath, similar to how the Jehovah's Witnesses emerged from the ashes of the "Great Disappointment."

To read more go here.

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